Minggu, 28 September 2014


iPad Air and iPad Mini Retina!

 Did you just buy a new iPad?
 Are you frustrated because you don’t know how to use it, where to begin???
 Tired of searching online and finding only pieces of info?
 Are you too lazy to read the 150+ pages manual?
 Want to learn how to use your iPad instantly with easy step-by-step tutorials?

End the Frustration! iPad4idiots Tutorial Package (Ebook + 8 Part Video Series) is the best available resource currently online, and you can have it now!

Today, we don’t have time to browse online and read articles that do us little good, and don’t teach us anything. We also don’t have the time to read long manuals that provide us with too much information in a form that’s hard to remember. This ebook + video package was conceived so thatyou can start using and enjoying your iPad instantly. All instructions are clear and easy to follow. You won’t have to spend a whole day going through the whole manual and find out that you didn’t learn much. You can simply open this ebook, take your iPad and start tapping it. You’ll learn all there is to know about it before you know it!
The iPad is a trusty companion, no matter if you want to read a ebook, listen to music, watch podcasts or keep in touch with your friends over the internet.But, as any new gadget, it has some features that aren’t as user friendly as they should, and hence the need to get documented on how to use it. However, we didn’t want to make it too complicated, nor to take too much time in teaching you the “how-to s” so we made it simple for you. It’s never been easier to learn how to use your iPad – and have fun doing it at the same time!

Did you know?

When you buy an iPad it doesn’t come with a manual
You can only download the manual online
The manual is over 150 pages and takes about two days to go through it
iPad isn’t as user friendly as it’s advertised to be

So, if you want to learn how to use your iPad instantly and you don’t want to waste any time, then you’ve come to the right place!
iPad4idiots is your perfect source of information on everything you will ever need to know about iPads! You really don’t want to miss on this amazing opportunity!

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Master social dancing quickly

Master social dancing quickly 
and easily… From your home
(No experience needed)
Learn Latin & Ballroom dancing online with over
80 step by step videos – Available 24/7!

Join 1000+ members and start improving your dancing now

“I’ve learned more in watching just 3 of your videos than 5 weeks of real time classes.”
-Shannon Jacobs

Ever wonder how some people can make dancing look so easy and fun?
You may think they are naturals, born with some “dancing gene”.
But I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’ve taught Ballroom and Latin
dancing for over 15 years, and I can tell you with absolute certainty
that very few people out there are natural dancers.
The truth is all of the best dancers had lots of lessons to get
to where they are.

Dancing is a learned skill, just like learning a new
language. With the RIGHT instruction anyone can
master social dancing in no time.

The problem is that there is so much information about dancing
out there, but most of it is unorganized and the tutorials lack
any effective teaching methods (Not to mention awful video and
audio quality).
I’ve coached hundreds of students, of all ages and skill-levels.
I’ve helped many shy couples get out on the dance floor at social
parties, weddings and birthdays. I’ve seen guys, convinced they
had two left feet, become kings of Latin clubs with women chasing
them for dances, and I’ve witnessed a mother-of-three rediscover
her sensuality.
No matter how hopeless a new student felt about their dancing abilities, after just a few
weeks, each and every one of them left with more confidence than ever before.
So, if you think you can’t dance. Trust me. You are not alone. I guarantee you that if you
just follow my step-by-step instructions you will become a better dancer.


Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd

Now YOU Can Create Mind-Blowing Artistic Images With Top Secret Photography Tutorials With Step-By-Step Instructions!

Believe it or not, you don't have to own super expensive equipment or be some kind of camera wiz to take high quality camera shots like these…
… but all those hotdog pro photographers out there will NEVER reveal their secrets to you…
… so I'm about to do it for you.
Don't take my word for that though - here's what just one person had to say:
Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd Edition - Your complete instructional guide on taking breathtaking special effects shots and cool images your friends won't believe…
It comes with 295 pages of instruction, 9 hours of how-to video tutorials, and contains over 300 creative photographs created by some of the most talented photographic artists around the world.
It's time for you to skip the months and years of being one of those enthusiast photographers - you know those poor guys who read all the magazines but doesn't have enough time to invest in getting the skills he really wants…
… you'll be skipping past that stage totally, and getting right to the point where you're an accomplished photographer, taking pictures that blow everybody away.
You see, I'm impatient.
I've got no time for that kind of learning. So I'm going to teach you the exact same shortcuts I used to become a skilled, effective photographer in no time flat.
You're going to be jumping over all the frustrations and difficulty, all the mystery of not knowing where to start, and instead getting right to the point where you can easily take the kinds of shots you've been dying to take your whole life.
You know what I mean, shots like this:

Funny Jokes: Private Member's Area

Funny Jokes: Private Member's Area

Before you download your FREE 40-Page Joke Book, take a moment to read through the amazing bonus offer below.

(This is The Only Time You Will Ever See This Page)

Congratulations! You qualify for the All New Unadvertised "Shock and Awe" Funny Jokes Bonus Package!

This is a one-time deal and once you leave this page the offer will be gone. Don't miss out.

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  6. Get Paid to Make People Laugh
  7. Seven Secrets of Comedy Writers and Comedians
  8. Smiling For Dollars: 24 Ways To Make Money With Humor
  9. The Fun Factor: 10 Ways You Can Be Happier... Right Now!
  10. Joke Selection Secrets
  11. Delivery & Timing Secrets
  12. Top 10 Joke Telling Mistakes
  13. 7 Essential Comedy Secrets
  14. Adding Comedy To Speeches
  15. Delivery & Presentation Secrets
  16. Transition Line Secrets
  17. Stand-up Comedy Myths Shattered
...When you order a copy of my best selling ebook:
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It's 340 pages of sidesplitting, pants-wetting humor for less than $20
Don't just take my word for it. Read these unsolicited comments from happy customers...

read more 





Think of this one-of-a-kind eBook as your personal image consultant that will literally turn you into a hot *well dressed* sexually aware man, all without spending tons of money on expensive designer clothes.

read more


Are you are looking for a world class tattoo design? Design you will be proud to show off even when you are 90? If you answered with YES to both of these questions than you are in the right place!

Whether you are looking for your 1st tattoo design or you are tattoo pro looking for designs to freshen up your studio flash collection Miamiinktattoodesigns.com can help you.

Kamis, 25 September 2014


Kecanggihan BlackBerry® kini hadir 
di komputer dan tablet Anda

 BlackBerry Blend di komputer dan tablet

Tanpa kabel, tanpa menyimpan ke awan, tanpa mentransfer di antara perangkat. Langsung di pakai di tempat.

Biasanya Anda harus beralih di antara komputer, tablet, dan smartphone untuk menyelesaikan berbagai tugas, namun perangkat ini tidaklah terpadu. Ini mengakibatkan hilangnya produktivitas setiap kali Anda beralih dari satu perangkat ke perangkat yang lain. Kini tidak perlu lagi seperti itu.
BlackBerry® Blend adalah perangkat lunak yang dapat Anda unduh untuk komputer dan tablet Anda sehingga dapat menghadirkan pesan dan konten di smartphone BlackBerry ke komputer dan tablet.

AL-BAQARAH ayat 6-10

AL-BAQARAH ayat 6-10

إِنَّ الَّذينَ كَفَروا سَواءٌ عَلَيهِم ءَأَنذَرتَهُم أَم لَم تُنذِرهُم لا يُؤمِنونَ
6. Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir, sama saja bagi mereka, kamu beri peringatan atau tidak kamu beri peringatan,
     mereka tidak akan beriman
     (Those who disbelieve, whether you forewarn them or not, they will not believe)

            خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلىٰ قُلوبِهِم وَعَلىٰ سَمعِهِم ۖ وَعَلىٰ أَبصٰرِهِم غِشٰوَةٌ ۖ وَلَهُم عَذابٌ عَظيمٌ

7. Allah telah mengunci-mati hati dan pendengaran mereka, dan penglihatan mereka ditutup. Dan bagi mereka siksa
 yang amat berat
(Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and for them is a great punishment)

                     وَمِنَ النّاسِ مَن يَقولُ ءامَنّا بِاللَّهِ وَبِاليَومِ الءاخِرِ وَما هُم بِمُؤمِنينَ

8. Di antara manusia ada yang mengatakan: ""Kami beriman kepada Allah dan Hari kemudian"", padahal mereka itu 
sesungguhnya bukan orang-orang yang beriman
(There are some people who say: 'We believe in Allah and the Last Day,' yet they are not believers)

                     يُخٰدِعونَ اللَّهَ وَالَّذينَ ءامَنوا وَما يَخدَعونَ إِلّا أَنفُسَهُم وَما يَشعُرونَ

9. Mereka hendak menipu Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, pada hal mereka hanya menipu dirinya sendiri 
sedang mereka tidak sadar
(They seek to deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive none except themselves, though they do not sense it)

                فى قُلوبِهِم مَرَضٌ فَزادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا ۖ وَلَهُم عَذابٌ أَليمٌ بِما كانوا يَكذِبونَ

10. Dalam hati mereka ada penyakit, lalu ditambah Allah penyakitnya; dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih, disebabkan
mereka berdusta

(There is a sickness in their hearts which Allah has increased. For them there is a painful punishment because they lie)

Creating your first programming language is easier than you think.

Creating your first programming language is easier than you think.

“The book I want to read.” — Matz, creator of the Ruby language

“I really love this book.” — Jeremy Ashkenas, creator of the CoffeeScript language

Want to create a programming language, but don't feel like going through one of those expensive and boring 1000-page books ? Well, you're not alone ...

The best system to create your first programming language.

The eBook

A 100 page PDF detailing core concepts and applying them to a custom language in Ruby
(included: ePub & Mobi formats).

Exercises & solutions

Proposed extensions to the language with solutions at the end of the book.

Three languages

Full source code of three languages in Ruby & Java. Easy to extend and play with.

A screencast

Explaining step by step how to extend the JVM language.
Most books on compilers are priced at more than $100 and are long and boring. My system, which contains a book (fun and to the point), exercises & solutions, three languages you can use however you want and a screencast, is only $39.99.
And I even give it to you for free if you're not happy.


Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager

Bismillahi rahmai rahim

            IDM atau Internet Download Manager maerupakan suatu aplikasi untuk mendownload file di internet dengan kecepatan yang tinggi. IDM banyak di gunakan di setiap laptop, hampir semua orang menginstal aplikasi ini.

silahkan download di link ini :
Internet Download Manager 6.21 Build 10

Internet Download Manager 6.21 Build 10 patch

pass : www.bagas31.com

AVG anti-virus 2015

AVG  anti-virus 2015

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim..
     Teman-teman dan saudara sekalian, kita sebagai pengguna alat elektronik yang bernama laptop atau notebook pasti kita tidak ingin jika pada laptop kita terserang yang namanya VIRUZ.. sangat menjengkelkan apabila virus menyerang laptop kita , karena dapat merusak OS pada sistem dan juga file-file penting yang kita miliki. Maka dari itu, di buatlah sebuah anti virus . pada kesempatan ini saya membagikan link download anti viruz AVG   Internet Security 2015 Full License.  Dengan AVG Internet Security 2015, LAPTOP kita bisa aman dan kita bisa menjelajahi dunia maya dengan aman.

silahkan download di :



الم (1) Alif Laam Miim

ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيْهِ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِيْنَ (2) Inilah Kitab itu; tidak ada sebarang keraguan padanya, satu petunjuk bagi orang-orang yang hendak bertakwa.

الَّذِيْنَ يُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيْمُوْنَ الصَّلاَةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُوْنَ (3) Yang percaya kepada yang ghaib , dan yang mendirikan sembahyang dan dari apa yang Kami anugerahkan kepada mereka, mereka dermakan.

وَ الَّذِيْنَ يُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ وَ مَا أُنْزِلَ مِن قَبْلِكَ وَ بِالْآخِرَةِ هُمْ يُوْقِنُوْنَ (4) Dan orang-orang yang percaya kepada apa yang di­turunkan kepada engkau dan apa yang diturunkan sebelum engkau, dan kepada akhirat mereka yakin.

أُولَئِكَ عَلَى هُدًى مِّن رَّبِّهِمْ وَ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُوْنَ (5) Mereka itulah yang berada atas petunjuk dari Tuhan mereka, dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang
beroleh kejayaan.


Announcing: The Amazing Computer Repair Videos that have Helped Thousands of People from Over 25 Countries Finally Fix Their PCs Once and For All... Without Ever Again Having to Go and Get Ripped Off at the Local Repair Shop!

"Save Money on Costly Repairs and
Even Start Your Own Business"

Now YOU Can Fix Your Computer All By Yourself and Never Take Your PC to the Repair Shop Again

Dear PC Owner,
Which makes you more frustrated... your computer that never seems to work properly, or spending hundreds of dollars repairing it each year?
What if I told you that you can save hundreds of dollars by simply fixing your computer yourself, and easily learn how to prevent future virus attacks and other mishaps?

Computer Attacks are at an All-Time High

It seems that every day another friend of mine's Facebook account is getting hacked, their laptop fails to boot up, a hard drive dies, on and on...
Of course I get the occassional surprise visit from the evil computer leprechan myself, but for the most part, I prevent a lot of problems from ever occuring.
I used to work in a company of about 200 hundred people. Over the last 6 years here, I've fixed viruses, replaced RAM, installed hard drives, installed graphics cards, removed junk files, etc.
But I wasn't in the IT department... Nope, I'm just your ordinary guy that decided to take matters in my own hands and learn about how computers work and how to fix them.

If you want, Please read more at the official site and order now: